How Do I Deal With Pregnancy Discrimination at Work?
The California, Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (PDLL) provides pregnant women up to four months of job-protected leave from work for pregnancy or related health issues. Employees who qualify for family medical leave…
Catering workers at Los Angeles airport sue for unpaid overtime
Under California law, employers must pay employees all their wages in a timely manner. This also applies to overtime pay for all hours worked. If an employer is violating the rights of…
Southern California restaurant chain pays $150,000 for discriminating against male servers
Sometimes employers will make excuses for allowing or participating in discriminatory conduct. A government agency recently accused a Southern California restaurant chain of citing supposed customer preference as justification for engaging in…
African American UCLA worker wins $1.58 million in hostile work environment case
Whether it is a corporate office or a restaurant kitchen, all workplaces are legally required to be free from discrimination and harassment. A hostile work environment is one in which pervasive verbal…
Sushi restaurant ordered to pay almost $30,000 in back wages to cooks
Employers looking to cut corners may sometimes think they can get away with not paying employees all the wages they have earned. Not only does such behavior result in employees missing out…
Senior care facility fined for wage theft after state investigation
Employees in certain industries are required to work overtime or be on call. Under California law, they must be paid for all time spent working beyond their regular hours. Employers are also…
Thousands of Comcast workers win $7.5 million settlement in wage and hour lawsuit
Employers are legally required to pay their employees wages they are owed. This includes compensation for meal and rest breaks. Failure to do so is a violation of federal and California labor…
Virgin America flight attendants get $78 million in wage and hour lawsuit
All employers are legally responsible for making sure their employees are paid the wages they are owed. Unfortunately, wage and hour violations can occur at small companies and large corporations alike. A…