The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed an age discrimination lawsuit against Meathead Movers, a moving company based in Fresno, California.

EEOC Sues California Moving Company for Age Discrimination Based on Hiring of Student Athletes

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed an age discrimination lawsuit against Meathead Movers, a moving company based in Fresno, California. The lawsuit claims that since at least 2017, the company has failed to recruit and hire workers over the age of 40 for various positions, including moving, packing and customer service roles.

Meathead Movers is known for employing young, physically fit student-athletes. The EEOC alleged that the company maintained a pattern of exclusively hiring college students, intentionally excluding older workers despite their qualifications. Internal communications reveal instances where qualified older candidates were dismissed for not being a “cultural fit,” a euphemism for age bias.

The company often recruited and hired workers through word of mouth. An EEOC official said the practice “limited individuals over the age of 40 from applying” even when they may be experienced. As a result, qualified workers who can fulfill the physical demands of the job end up being excluded simply based on their age. 

The EEOC said Meathead Movers asked its workers to look for new employees at colleges and local gyms. Additionally, the company’s website and social media have photos of young, athletic-looking movers often pictured with biceps.

Unlike most EEOC lawsuits, the case against Meathead Movers did not arise from someone filing a complaint. The agency began investigating the company in 2017 on its own after becoming aware of red flags concerning its hiring practices.

The EEOC proceeded with the lawsuit despite attempts to negotiate a settlement, including a $750,000 offer from Meathead Movers. The agency had initially sought around $15 million from the company, but later reduced the amount to $5 million, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

Meathead Movers CEO Aaron Steed claimed the company “had no idea we were doing anything wrong” by recruiting college students. He also told the WSJ they were open to hiring workers of any age “if they can do the job.” Steed said the company was re-examining its practices “to try to be as absolutely as inclusive as possible,” including removing the word “student” from their branding.

Age discrimination consists of treating a job applicant or worker less favorably based on their age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibit age discrimination against workers aged 40 or older. The laws apply to both job seekers and employees. Various aspects of employment are covered, including hiring, pay, benefits, promotions, job duties, training, firing, layoffs and other employment terms or conditions.

In the case of Meathead Movers, the EEOC claims that the company’s hiring practices and marketing strategies discouraged older workers from applying. The employer was accused of intentionally excluding such workers from employment opportunities in violation of the ADEA. 

The EEOC’s lawsuit against Meathead Movers highlights the importance of understanding and addressing age discrimination in the workplace. Employers must ensure their hiring practices are inclusive and compliant with employment laws. Setting hiring criteria based on an employee’s age is illegal. A person’s age does not reflect their ability to do a particular job.

Additionally, workers over 40 should be aware of their rights under the ADEA and FEHA. They should take proactive steps if they face age discrimination in hiring or employment.

If you have experienced unlawful age discrimination in the workplace, you may have grounds for legal action against your employer. Discuss your situation with the skilled San Francisco employment lawyers at McCormack Law Firm. We can help you determine whether you have a case and recover compensation for the illegal treatment you endured. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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